Tuesday 3 November 2015

Road Traffic Accidents: London 2005 - 2014

I think this will probably be my last viz for a while using this particular set of data. It's an incredibly useful dataset for honing your Tableau skills so I'd certainly recommend it. Downloaded from data.gov.uk and processed using Alteryx to join three datasets together (Accidents, Casualties and Vehicles) you get about 5 million rows and an awful lot of map points.

For that reason you really need to filter it down to stop everything grinding to a halt (though this sounds like a future challenge potentially). So, I took the most instantly recognisable city in Europe, maybe the world, and plotted all RTAs within the Metropolitan Police jurisdiction. Note City of London is empty. I assure you, cars can crash there, it's just they have their own separate police force.

Anyway, to the viz!

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